Flow Cytometry Services and Pricing
- No training required
- Training required
Start Booking Your Flow Experiments
- Create an account on the MGB Core Management System
- Internal MGB Users: Use MGB ID
- External Non-MGB Users: MGB CMS Registration Instructions
- Please fill out out the Flow Sorting Request Form and send it to facs@bwh.harvard.edu.
- A core representative will respond to you to schedule your sample submission
Sorting Hours
- M-F: 10am-5pm
Single Cell Services and Pricing
Every single cell project will include
- One free consultation
- 10X reagents and buffer, GEMs & library generation
- One free QC to check cell number and viability
- Sample QC prior to loading
- cDNA and post-library generation QC and tracing
- Libraries sequencing
- Basic bioinformatic QC and CellRanger analysis
- Troubleshooting assistance, if necessary
Base Services
Rates shown here are for MGB Academic Institutions. All Non-MGB Academic Institutions (44%) and For-Profit Industry (59%) will be charged IDCs
- Cell loading can go up to 20K
- Cell loading can go up to 60K (Cell Hashing included)
Run each sample with its own barcode
Run each set of 4 samples with 4 barcodes
Run each set of 16 samples with 16 barcodes
**To qualify for the single-cell discount pricing, one must submit six or more samples within three-months. Libraries will be stored and sequenced together upon last sample submission.
**We will be transitioning to the latest 10X Genomics GEM-X technologies for regular single-cell sequencing experiments. For ongoing projects, we are pleased to continue providing the current NEXT-GEM reagents (including HT assay with paired number of samples).
Add-ons Services
- Your choice of custom CITE-seq (human/mouse) antibodies
- Can be combined with the universal CITE-seq panel
- Your choice of Total-seq A, B or C (human/mouse) antibodies
- Includes 1 vial of antibody (stains up to 1 million cells)
- Your choice of Total-seq A, B or C (human/mouse) antibodies
- Includes all staining antibodies, reagents, and sequencing
- Your choice of either TCR, BCR or a combination of TCR and BCR
- Compatible with 5′ standard and 5′ HT projects
- Each unit covers an extra 10,000 cells when loading more than baseline
- Total charge is calculated by the actual loading cell number
Start Booking Your Single-Cell Project
- Create an account on the MGB Core Management System
- Internal MGB Users: Use MGB ID
- External Non-MGB Users: MGB CMS Registration Instructions
- If you are a new user, or this is a new experiment, please fill out our Single Questionnaire or Single Cell Flex Questionnaire and send to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- Our scientific team will review your Questionnaire and set up a consultation to discuss your experiment
- Upon completion of the consultation:
- Update the Questionnaire with any relevant changes
- Complete the Single-Cell Sequencing Request Form
- Send both forms to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- A core representative will respond to you to schedule your sample submission
Sample Submission Deadline
- All samples must be submitted to the core by no later than 2pm
We are now accepting BWH DOM core facility vouchers!
The DOM is proposing to award approximately 20 vouchers for $1,000-$3,000 (max $5,000) to support the cost of core services for early-career investigators. Details on voucher program, eligibility, and application instructions.
Spatial Transcriptomic Pricing and Services
- Each Visium slide covers two 6.5mmx6.5mm areas
- Each Visium slide covers two 11mmx11mm areas
- Each Visium HD slide covers two 6.5mmx6.5mm areas
- Off-the-shelf panel and Xenium slide/reagents will be provided
- 5K panel and multimodal segmentation are included
- Xenium add-on: Multimodal Segmentation
Start Booking Your Spatial Transcriptomic Services
- Create an account on the MGB Core Management System
- Internal MGB Users: Use MGB ID
- External Non-MGB Users: MGB CMS Registration Instructions
- If you are a new user, or this is a new experiment, please fill out our Spatial New User Questionnaire and send to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- Our scientific team will review your Questionnaire and set up a consultation to discuss your experiment
- Upon completion of the consultation:
- Update the Questionnaire with any relevant changes
- Complete the Spatial Service Request Form
- Send both forms to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- A core representative will respond to you to schedule your sample submission
We are now accepting BWH DOM core facility vouchers!
The DOM is proposing to award approximately 20 vouchers for $1,000-$3,000 (max $5,000) to support the cost of core services for early-career investigators. Details on voucher program, eligibility, and application instructions.