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Here we list publications that have referenced data generated from the Center for Cellular Profiling Core.

If you have used our core services and intend to use the data generated for publication, please consider the following

  • In the method section, “(specific service) was performed by the BWH Center for Cellular Profiling”
  • If you would like to acknowledge efforts of a specific member of the core, we recommend adding a line in the acknowledgment section: “We thank XXX from the BWH Center for Cellular Profiling for experimental design and protocol optimization.”
  • If a core staff member has made a substantial contribution to the conception, design, analysis, or interpretation of the data, authorship may be appropriate.

Clonal Dynamics of Alloreactive T cells in Kidney Allograft Rejection after Anti-PD-1 Therapy

Dunlap, DiToro, Murakami, Rao et al. Nature Communication 2023

Deconstruction of Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovium Defines Inflammatory Subtypes

Zhang, Jonsson, Nathan, Millard et al. Nature 2023

Clonally Expanded CD38hi Cytotoxic CD8 T Cells Define the T Cell Infiltrate in Checkpoint Inhibitor-Associated Arthritis

Wang, Singaraju, Marks, Shakib et al. Science Immunology 2023

Type 2 Inflammation Drives an Airway Basal Stem Cell Program Through Insulin Receptor Substrate Signaling

Wang, Hallen, Lee, Samuchiwal et al. Allergy Clinical Immunology 2023 

Granzyme K+ CD8 T cells Form a Core Population in Inflamed Human Tissue

Jonsson, Zhang, Dunlap, Gomez-Rivas, et al. Science Translational Medicine 2022

Nasal Administration of Anti-CD3 Monoclonal Antibody Modulates Effector CD8+ T Cells Function and Induces a Regulatory Response in T Cells in Human Subjects

Chitnis, Kaskow, Case, Hanus et al. Frontiers in Immunology 2022

Enhanced Efficacy of Simultaneous PD-1 and PD-L1 Immune Checkpoint Blockade in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer

Wan, Keany, Dong , Al-Alem et al. Cancer Research 2021 

Multimodally Profiling Memory T Cells From a Tuberculosis Cohort Identifies Cell State Associations With Demographics, Environment and Disease

Nathan, Beynor, Baglaenko, Suliman et al. Nature Immunology 2021 

Notch Signaling Drives Synovial Fibroblast Identity and Arthritis Pathology

Wei, Korsunsky, Marshall, Gao et al. Nature 2020

Cellular Heterogeneity and Lineage Restriction during Mouse Digit Tip Regeneration at Single-Cell Resolution

Johnson, Masias, Lehoczky. Developmental Cell 2020 

Inadequate DNA Damage Repair Promotes Mammary Transdifferentiation, Leading to BRCA1 Breast Cancer

Wang, Xiang, Liu, He et al. Cell 2019

High-dimensional Analysis Reveals a Pathogenic Role of Inflammatory Monocytes in Experimental Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage

Lee, Nelson-Maney, Huang, Levescot et al. JCI Insight 2019

Lymphocyte Innateness Defined by Transcriptional States Reflects a Balance Between Proliferation and Effector Functions

Gutierrez-Arcelus, Teslovich, Mola, Polidoro et al. Nature Communinications 2019

Pathologically Expanded Peripheral T Helper Cell Subset Drives B cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rao, Gurish, Marshall, Slowikowski et al. Nature 2017

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