Flow Cytometry Services and Pricing
- No training required
- Training required
Start Booking Your Flow Experiments
- Create an account and check sorter availability on the MGB Core Management System
- Internal MGB Users: Use MGB ID
- External Non-MGB Users: MGB CMS Registration Instructions
- Please fill out out the Flow Sorting Request Form and send it to facs@bwh.harvard.edu.
- A core representative will respond to you to schedule your sample submission
Sorting Hours
- M-F: 10am-5pm
Single Cell Services and Pricing
Every single cell project will include
- One free consultation
- 10X reagents and buffer, GEMs & library generation
- One free QC to check cell number and viability
- Sample QC prior to loading
- cDNA and post-library generation QC and tracing
- Libraries sequencing
- Basic bioinformatic QC and CellRanger analysis
- Troubleshooting assistance, if necessary
Base Services
Rates shown here are for MGB Academic Institutions. All Non-MGB Academic Institutions (44%) and For-Profit Industry (59%) will be charged IDCs
- Cell loading can go up to 20K
- Cell loading can go up to 60K (Cell Hashing included)
Run each sample with its own barcode
Run each set of 4 samples with 4 barcodes
Run each set of 16 samples with 16 barcodes
**To qualify for the single-cell discount pricing, one must submit six or more samples within three-months. Libraries will be stored and sequenced together upon last sample submission.
**We will be transitioning to the latest 10X Genomics GEM-X technologies for regular single-cell sequencing experiments. For ongoing projects, we are pleased to continue providing the current NEXT-GEM reagents (including HT assay with paired number of samples).
Add-ons Services
- Your choice of custom CITE-seq (human/mouse) antibodies
- Can be combined with the universal CITE-seq panel
- Your choice of Total-seq A, B or C (human/mouse) antibodies
- Includes 1 vial of antibody (stains up to 1 million cells)
- Your choice of either TCR, BCR or a combination of TCR and BCR
- Your choice of Total-seq A, B or C (human/mouse) antibodies
- Includes all staining antibodies, reagents, and sequencing
Start Booking Your Single-Cell Project
- Create an account on the MGB Core Management System
- Internal MGB Users: Use MGB ID
- External Non-MGB Users: MGB CMS Registration Instructions
- If you are a new user, or this is a new experiment, please fill out our Single Cell Questionnaire or Single Cell Flex Questionnaire and send to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- Our scientific team will review your Questionnaire and set up a consultation to discuss your experiment
- Upon completion of the consultation:
- Update the Questionnaire with any relevant changes
- Complete the Single-Cell Sequencing Request Form
- Send both forms to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- A core representative will respond to you to schedule your sample submission
Sample Submission Deadline
- All samples must be submitted to the core by no later than 2pm
Spatial Transcriptomic Pricing and Services
- Each Visium slide covers two 6.5mmx6.5mm areas
- Each Visium slide covers two 11mmx11mm areas
- Each Visium HD slide covers two 6.5mmx6.5mm areas
- Off-the-shelf panel and Xenium slide/reagents will be provided
- 5K panel and multimodal segmentation are included
- Xenium add-on: Multimodal Segmentation
**New Xenium 5K projects can be qualified for 50% discount of reagents and custom panel (offer valid until June 2025).
**Large Xenium 5K projects (more than 10 slides) may qualify for additonal core discounts.
Start Booking Your Spatial Transcriptomic Services
- Create an account on the MGB Core Management System
- Internal MGB Users: Use MGB ID
- External Non-MGB Users: MGB CMS Registration Instructions
- If you are a new user, or this is a new experiment, please fill out our Spatial New User Questionnaire and send to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- Our scientific team will review your Questionnaire and set up a consultation to discuss your experiment
- Upon completion of the consultation:
- Update the Questionnaire with any relevant changes
- Complete the Spatial Service Request Form
- Send both forms to SingleCell@bwh.harvard.edu
- A core representative will respond to you to schedule your sample submission